Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Art Habit Introductions: Katherine Knight

Hello all, and welcome to Art Habit – a blog about art and life. My name is Katherine, and I’m one of your co-hosts here. I met my fellow contributors Nikki and Lauren in graduate school, and will be forever grateful to them for inviting me to join their monthly Zoom chats. It has been one of the most unexpected and fulfilling experiences of my life.

My brief bio reads Painter, Professor, Mom… in no particular order, but I have other interests as well… a lot of other interests (knitting, foraging, hiking, gardening (or rather, attempting not to kill my plants), sewing, swimming, yoga, paddle-boarding, treehouses… I could keep going). For years I felt guilty whenever these other interests pulled me away from the studio, but over time I’ve come to view them as a vital part of me, and my studio practice as well. After all, if I didn’t pursue these other interests, what on earth would I paint about? (This was an actual. problem. in grad school. I was ONLY in the studio for 2 years, and essentially made paintings about… nothing. Things in the studio are slower, but better now.)

As artists, we retreat into our studios, or sometimes our own thoughts, and make our work. Occasionally we poke our heads out to discuss the work, and while I’m thrilled to discuss artwork, what I really want to know is how you make your life work. I am actually asking this… of you… who are reading this right now.  How do you find time for your job, your family, your friends, your many interests and obligations, and your artwork as well? How do you continually show up for creativity and ideas? How do you make your art a habit?


If you’ve ever met me IRL, you’ll know that I love to start conversations and build community, and this is exactly what I’m hoping to do with this blog. I’ll share the things I’m pondering, and I hope to hear from you readers as well. Whether you’ve had 10 museum exhibitions (hashtag goals), or are contemplating picking up sketching for the first time, we all have the same 24 hours in our day. Let’s talk about how we spend them. 

You can read more about me, and view some of my artwork, on my website.

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