Monday, January 29, 2024

2023 Reflections (Nikki)

Studio sun

2023 was very much a back to basics year for me, as I experienced health issues that had me researching how to get back to a better (physical/mental) baseline. Because of this, the year's overall theme was maintaining new routines. These are lessons I learn and relearn: celebrate small wins, and small steps add up. I feel hopeful that 2024 will be a great year due to changes I made in 2023.

In no particular order, five things that sustained me in the past year:

*Health changes- getting sunlight first thing in the morning, eating more, eating regularly, eating less processed food, eating more protein, going to bed earlier, strength training, getting outside more

*Reading before bed- I look forward to this so much, as it’s become part of my routine and helps me wind down. Favorite books of the year: Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin, the My Brilliant Friend trilogy by Elena Ferrante, and for art/creativity-related books: The Creative Act by Rick Rubin

*Working consistently in the studio- not a change, just something that continues to be a mainstay for many reasons

*Looking for free opportunities- paying to apply for opportunities has always been something I accepted as part of getting my work in front of new eyes, but I decided to take a break from it for most of 2023. Fortunately, I was asked to participate in shows by friends and past connections, in addition to finding free opportunities. As a professional experiment, this reminded me that I can be selective about opportunities, without feeling nervous about gaps on my CV. I’d like to continue this through 2024, but we’ll see how it goes

*Less time on social media

*And a bonus thing- easy gluten-free pumpkin muffins:

Box of King Arthur’s gluten free muffin mix- follow the directions on the box, but skip the milk and add: 15 oz. can pumpkin, 3 tsp pumpkin pie spice. Use an electric mixer or electric hand mixer to make sure ingredients are thoroughly combined

I have been making these since October and love them for all year round.

Cheers to the new year!

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"'My most memorable childhood fantasy,' [Lester] once wrote, 'was to have a mansion with catacombs underneath containing, ...